With all of the attention on the health care marketplace website problems, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was in Austin today for some damage control.
Sebelius went to CommUnityCare’s East Austin Health Center, where she promised that problems with healthcare.gov and its Spanish-language version will get fixed.
She also praised mayors across Texas for supporting Medicaid expansion, and urged state leaders to join them.
"I’m hoping that Texas takes another look at that opportunity because there will be millions of people still left on the side of the road with no affordable options," Sebelius said.
Texas has the highest rate of uninsured in the U.S. – roughly six million people. In response to her visit, Texas Republican Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz released statements criticizing the Affordable Care Act and the flawed marketplace website.
Sebelius said while the site is getting better, it’s needs more improvement.