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Austin Aims To Simplify CodeNEXT By Simplifying The Language Around It

Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon
Residents examine CodeNEXT maps at an informational open house hosted by the city in May.

The upcoming second draft of Austin’s new land development code is expected to eliminate one of its key zoning tools, known as "transect" zones, which focus on a building's form rather than its use.

In theory, transect zones would allow for a wider range of uses in a given area, as long as a building fits in with the form, or the look and feel, of the surrounding area. Transect zones were a departure from the current land development code, which hasn't seen an overhaul of this scale since 1984.

But since the release of the first CodeNEXT draft, the idea proved controversial.

Jerry Rusthoven, assistant director of Austin’s Planning and Zoning Department, suggested doing away with transect zones to City Council earlier this summer.

“We’ve heard a lot about criticism that people feel that we have two codes, and so we are looking at combining them into a single spectrum of zones,” he said.

CodeNEXT Hub: Find everything you ever wanted to know about the land development code

He said the new set of zones should be easier to understand.

“The idea is to try to be more transparent and more clear as to what exactly each zone does,” Rusthoven said. “We have heard criticism that the existing nomenclature that we're using is too lengthy.”

Rather than taking away the utility of transect zones, says Jorge Rousselin, the project manager on CodeNEXT, the city wants to simplify the language.

“Form standards are not necessarily going away,” he said. “They’re being built in in some of these base zoning districts that you’ll find, but you won't see the distinction between a T zone, or a transect zone, and a non-T zone.”

For now, CodeNEXT staff have introduced a series of R zones, or residential zones, which aim to provide a simpler naming system. For example, you could build a single home in an R1 zone, two units in an R2 zone, and so on.

Rusthoven said there’s still a lot of work to be done, as city staff work to craft a system for organizing commercial zones. The second draft of CodeNEXT is set to be released next month.

Syeda Carrillo is a senior editor at KUT. Got a tip? Email her at Follow her on Twitter @syedareports.
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