"Murder Ballad Murder Mystery" began its life several years ago, as a site specific work at the Vortex Theater.
Since then, its creative team decided to form their own production company. And the play's been condensed and made a little more travel-friendly.
The show (as the title implies), is a murder mystery inspired by murder ballads. It will soon hit the road, to be staged in several bars in Austin, as well as stopping at New Orleans and Marfa, Texas.
In its current format, it's made to be easily adapted to its venue, so if you're in the audience, it'll feel like the story is unfolding around you inside the bar.
The existential whodunit/backwoods hoedown features Kelli Bland, musical director Mark Stewart, writer Elizabeth Doss, Laura Freeman, Ben Ballinger, April Perez Moore, Kim Adams, and Noel Gaulin.
- November 20 and 21: The Buzz Mill, Austin
- November 23: Hi-Ho Lounge, New Orleans
- November 29: Scoot Inn, Austin
- December 3 and 4: Hole in the Wall, Austin
- December 7: Lost Horse Saloon,
- Marfa